Li Hanxi, distinguished professor of Jiangxi Normal University, came to our college to make an academic report

作者: 时间:2019-11-27 点击数:

On the afternoon of November 26, Li Hanxi, distinguished professor of Jiangxi Normal University, made an academic report on "the application of deep learning in augmented reality" in No.1 teaching building room 1131. Zeng Chunshui, Dean of the school of software engineering & Liu Chuanli, Secretary of Party branchChai Zheng, Assistant dean, and faculties and students attended to the report, which was presided by Dr. Liu Qiuming, Assistant dean.

Dr. Li Hanxi first introduced the prospect of AR technology in the future human-computer interaction application from the perspective of augmented reality (AR) in application scenarios. Dr. Li Hanxi, using the fundamental of "virtual reality combination" of AR technology, has comprehensively improved the existed deep learning algorithm, and better solved the two core problems in augmented reality, as know as, the problem of object attitude positioning and automatic matting, which has contributed to the application and popularity of augmented reality. During the report, Dr. Li Hanxi introduced the project achievements of his team. At the end of the report, Dr. Li Hanxi came to Dr. Fan Zhongkui's team studio to discuss the problems of artificial intelligence algorithm using in the face recognition process. Finally, he visited the VR exhibition hall accompanied by Mr. Yang Hui, the executive vice president of the virtual reality institute.

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