Research Report on "Emotion computing based on EEG and virtual reality" hosted by school of software engineering

作者: 时间:2019-10-19 点击数:

At 6:00 p.m. on October 18, the college hosted a research report on "emotion computing based on EEG and virtual reality" in the academic report hall in NO.1 teaching building. Professor Li Fu from Xi'an University of Electronic Science and technology came to give speech. Students major in virtual reality, artificial intelligence and big data listened this report together. Li Fu introduced the core issues and research background of "active stimulation and feedback results without external interference to achieve effective emotional control". Li Fu expressed that emotional intelligence can be achieved through emotional computing and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of emotional computing based on EEG. Through a table, he introduced the composition of the traditional emotion inducing system to the students. This research not only talks about the advantages of fine-grained visualization of emotional EEG, but also explains that this method can't classify the emotional intensity quantitatively after identifying the emotional categories.

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